Thursday, September 24, 2009

Satays - An experimental dinner

With sucess!!! So I'm sharing my recipe! Not the best picture but we were salivating from the smell of it, so I just took a quick snap and we dived right into it.

My brain told me I had to make this one afternoon. I didn't really measure out the measurements when I did the marinade, the recipe below is just an after thought of what I think I put into it. So finetune it as you go along. After looking at a couple of recipes, I just simply chucked in the following spices and they turned out really yummy and yet so simple to do. The hard part was skewering the meats onto the sticks, not so fun. I made both the chicken and beef version, but I only had beef mince in the fridge so I just made do with that.

Satay marinade

5 Chicken thigh fillets sliced into strips (beef or pork will do too)

1 tsp Tumeric powder

1 tsp paprika powder

1 tsp cumin powder

2 tsp coriander powder (I figured out this needs more compared to the other powders)

1 1/2 tbsp curry powder

2 tsp salt

2 tbsp sugar

bit of water

bit of cornflour

drizzle of oil

Satay sauce

1/2 onion diced finely

1/2 can coconut cream

2 huge scoops of peanut butter

1tbsp+/- curry powder

small chunk of gula melaka (i'm sure brown sugar will do too)

1 tsp salt

  1. Marinade the meats and skewer it onto bamboo sticks (soak them in a glass of water first to prevent it from burning later on) and leave it for about 30minutes.

  2. Meanwhile, prepare the satay sauce. Heat up some oil in a saucepan, and sautee the onions until soft. Add peanut butter, coconut cream, gula melaka and some water (to dilute it to the consistency u like). Keep stirring it while bringing it to a slow simmer or until the oil floats on top. Add the curry powder and salt. Take it off the heat and leave aside.

  3. Preheat the oven and have it on high using the grill setting, putting the rack close to the heat.

  4. Pop the satays in and brush alittle oil onto it while cooking. Cook until browned.

  5. Serve piping hot with some chopped canned pineapples, cucumbers and the satay sauce.

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