Friday, February 26, 2010

Things you learn about a newborn

I mentioned sometime ago in a previous entry that I will post about new things you learn about a newborn. Here are things I may not have mentioned before, and according to my own little 'mommy brain'. It makes me feel warm inside remembering the times Kayden was just a teeny tiny little thing! Small and squishy!

    Kayden at 5 days old
  • Babies come out looking puffy. Their environment when in utereo is nice and warm, so they put on extra weight before they are born, to protect themselves from the cold outside. They then lose up to about 10% of their weight a few days after they are born. And if born via a natural delivery, their eyes are probably puffy too, because of the pressure their little heads go through during birth.
  • Even without feeding right after they are born, babies may pass a black coloured, tar textured poo called meconium. It is from the liquids and other substances they take in while in utereo. I don't know why its black though?
  • They then feed at very short regular intervals. It's their way of making sure that the supply is there because the more they feed, the more milk you will produce.
  • A newborn's stomach is tiny. It is the size of a small coin, possibly just only about 2-3cms in diameter. At 3 months of age now, Kayden's stomach is probably only just slightly larger than the size of a ping pong ball.
  • All babies stomachs look puffy. It is NOT wind as many of the older generation will tell you. Its alot of innards to fit inside a small body!
  • They will recognize Mommy and Daddy's voice straight away and be able pick it up from a room full of people. They will probably calm down from hearing mommy or daddy's voice.
  • The have 2 spots on their heads which are soft. Their skulls are not fully closed to allow their heads to fit through the birth canal during birth.
  • Newborns are very noisy breathers! Their nasal passage ways are tiny so they sneeze alot due to the dust and fluff. Remember I did this?
  • When you see a baby suddenly throw their arms out while they are sleeping, it is called the 'startle reflex'.
  • When you put a finger into the palms of your new baby, he/she will always curl their finger on over it - the 'grasp reflex'.
  • If you sweep your baby's cheek or near his/her mouth, they will turn towards it to suckle. - the 'rooting reflex'.
When I was pregnant with Kayden I read up alot on things before he was born, so I knew what to expect in the early days. Luckily I did too, there is just no time nor energy after baby arrives!

Kayden's already outgrown some of those newborn milestones. He's growing up too quickly!

Wednesday, February 17, 2010

Routines at 3 months

I think at 3 months of age, Kayden has finally fallen into a routine.

8 am     : Nappy change, first feed of the day

8.30am : Back to bed for his morning nap, where he usually sleeps for 2 sometimes 3 hours. I either go back to bed or am up for my breakfast.

11am    : Feedtime again but this time he keeps up for abit more and I put him in his bouncer and its playtime with mommy.

12pm   : Ideally, it is nap time again. And I am able to have my lunch while watching daytime TV.

2pm    :  Kayden wakes up after a 2 or 2.5 hour nap and is up and very alert this time round. Nappy change and it is time for another feed. After that, I sometimes put him on his playmat and plays, or he is in his bouncer while I go around the house doing some household chores. But around this time is also when he gets grizzly and clingy. He may then transforms into a baby koala, meaning he insists on me carrying him for at least the next hour or so!

4pm     : Hopefully back in his cot for another nap. Sometimes he wants another feed at this time. By this time, I am usually exhausted and I may also go for a nap while he's asleep.

6pm     : Nappy change when Kayden wakes up, and if he's happy to be back in his bouncer I put on something on TV for him or put him on his playmat while I am in the kitchen preparing dinner for the evening.

7pm      : Dez is home from work and he gives Kayden his bath. I feed him and we have our dinner after.

8pm or 9pm : Bedtime for Kayden or he spends some time with us, or Dez and I watch some TV.

11pm    : Kayden is up again for his last feed of the day. Dez changes his nappy, gives him a bottle of formula and puts him back to bed.

12MN  : Dez and I go to bed.

4.30am  : My boobs wake me up and I attach myself to the pump while I surf the internet using my mobile (I need something to do during don't I?).

5am      : I slump back into bed until Kayden is up again.


So you see, 4 to 5 hour sleeps is the best I get! I said my goodbyes to my 8 hour night sleeps shortly after I fell pregnant. I don't see us reuniting at least till June, where I may wean Kayden off, but I'll see how we go then.

Tuesday, February 16, 2010

Showers of blessings...which he didn't share...

And thank god for that! It was the first morning of Chinese New Year and I was all dressed and ready to head out for yumcha with the family. I usually have us all ready, Kayden's nappy bag packed and then leave it to the last 15 minutes or so before I do one last nappy change before we step out the door.

I have just finished wiping him down and only turned sideways to place the soiled nappy into the bin. It was a mere 2 seconds later when I turned back, to see my son with a stunned look on his face.

Somehow, he had managed to wee onto himself! His face and body wet from him giving himself a golden shower!! I know that urine is sterile, but it still didn't stop me from giving out a loud yelp which brought Dez running into the room. Smelling like pee isn't the best baby scent, especially on the first day of new year! So we made a mad dash to give him a quick bath.

Funny now, when I think back about it! And oh boy, what a story we have for his 21st birthday speech! Haha!

Friday, February 12, 2010

Kayden at 3 Months

Kayden is 3 months old. He now weighs 6kgs and is 60cms tall. My newborn is not so new anymore! I used to get  the"what a tiny little baby!" comment from other moms in the parents' room. Now, I get the "he's big for a 3 month old!".  Indeed, Kayden is alot taller (I find it weird to say longer, even though he's not standing) and bigger in comparison to other 3 month olds I see.

The poor little man is suffering from cradle cap at the moment, I call it cradle crap. A dry crusty layer that forms on the scalp because of excessive oils or something like that. It does no harm to babies, and was told it shouldn't bother him. But my poor baby is obviously bothered by it. His face full of scratches when he misaims, trying to reach for the top of his head.  3 to 6 months it may last for, the doc says. So lots of olive oil before bathtime to help soften it, but only to come back again the next day, argh!

He is quite a chatterbox! When left in his rocker, he babbles to himself, sometimes for a good half hour or so. And he babbles right back when being spoken to.He does the "auuughhhh" and the "aughh gooos" to anything in sight!

2 weeks ago, Kayden also discovered his hands. He waves it in front of his face with his eyes transfixed at it! It was hilarious when I once caught him dozing off in his rocker still with his arm held up to his face! Funny as!

He has also finally started to sleep longer hours at night. Once or twice a week, he surprises me and sleeps all the way through! But I still crawl out of bed in the middle of the night anyway, breastfeeding moms will know why!

He loves his cot mobile! It is just a simple one, its not battery operated so it doesn't turn unless we do it for him. And when we do, the little fella looks at us, and almost always gives a wide grin as if to say "Thanks Mom/Dad!",  before resuming the conversation with his pals!

I love my little man!

Friday, February 5, 2010

Harumi's carrot and tuna salad

When I saw this recipe from The Little Teochew I was itching to make it. And I am so glad I did, it was so yummy! I love tuna, and I love salads, perfect for the hot weather we have in Melbourne this week too! It is named Harumi's salad because the original recipe hails from Harumi Kurihara - the Martha Stewart of Japan! Interesting, you learn something new everyday. I might do a little bit more research on her later..
I ate this as a main meal, but you could probably portion it as an entree or a side salad. So depending on big you want your portion to be, it could serve either 1 or 4.

(Original recipe from Harumi Kurihara and adapted from The Little Teochew)

2 carrots julienned
90g canned tuna (I used Sirena brand and drained most of the oil)
50g finely sliced onion (I had a lonesome red one sitting by itself)
1 tsp finely minced garlic
oil for frying

Dressing: (mix all of these first before dressing the salad)
*2 tbsp white vinegar ( I only had red wine vinegar so I used that, tasted fine!)
*1 tbsp mustard ( I used wholegrain mustard)
*salt and pepper to taste
*splash of soy sauce
*1 tsp honey ( I tasted the dressing before and after the honey. Like Ju, I think the honey is needed to adjust the tanginess of the vinegar.)

1. Mix up all the ingredients for the dressing.
2. Heat some oil up in a saucepan. Lightly stirfry the garlic, onion and carrots. The carrots should still be crunchy. Just cook to remove the rawness of the vegetables. Remove from heat.
3. Drain the tuna, add the vegetables and dress the salad.
4. Chill and serve.
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