Monday, September 14, 2009

Baby on wheels

I have realised some time ago, that gone were the days where prams were primarily used to transport babies from point A to B, sometimes even doubling up as a shopping trolley by hanging your bags off the pram handles.

Has anyone seen those $1700 prams parents are now wheeling around these days? For that price, I was half expecting to find a spare wheel, climate control air-conditioning or indicators somewhere on those prams! I simply gawked at the price, had a quick inspection of it and walked away!!

I almost thought I was one of the rare ones who thought the brands don't really matter. As long as its easy to clean, sturdy and its easy to fold down and lift, its good enough for me. Until I read this today:

But I won't be superficial and say the pram we have purchased is cheap either.But, it is definitely less than a third of that $1700 pram! It is still pricier, compared to the ones the older generations used to use anyway. We live across a park, and I do intend to go for walks with baby in the future, so I wanted a 3 wheeler for a more stable ride. We purchased baby's pram brand new, but I know of a friend who has purchased hers for $80 via ebay, and according to her, it only needed a clean and its almost as good as new.

Now, don't even get me started on the accessories baby product manufacturers have come up with! Sun/rain pram covers, bath support slings, nappy disposal systems, etc. What happened to improvising and making do with umbrellas and blankets to keep baby warm and out of the sun??? Or simply supporting baby with your arm while bathing baby? Or using plastic bags to contain smelly nappies and then popping it into the rubbish bin for disposal?
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