Wednesday, September 2, 2009

Good restful sleep is a luxury

Sleep. Need sleep. Week 29 this week, and I am definitely feeling baby's weight alot more. So my joints and back are now causing me abit of grief. If I am sitting or lying in a position that is uncomfortable for him, baby wriggles around quite a bit causing me some pain and discomfort sometimes. He has also found my bladder which he tends to use as a pillow or a foot rest in the middle of the night, which means I wake up in a hurry in the middle of the night, try to throw my body forward while lying on my side like a giant hippo and then heave myself off the side of the bed and shuffle quickly to the toilet.

Good restful sleep is a luxury these days. Way even before baby arrives. Even for hubby. My sleep routine every night:

  1. Strategically position 2 pillows for my head at an angle, 1 more to support my belly/legs
  2. Sit on bed, SLOWLY lower myself onto my side, supporting myself with 1 elbow/hand
  3. Lie still for 10 seconds. Turn off bedside lamps.
  4. Nope. Not comfortable.
  5. Hubby turns his light on again, heaves me up and helps me adjust all the pillows once more.
  6. Turn off light. Try to lie still and go to sleep again while huffing and puffing from all that moving around.

This process repeats itself about 3-4 times before I finally doze off, not because I found a comfortable position but because by the end of it I am utterly exhausted.

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