Friday, March 26, 2010


When Kayden was a newborn, everyone commented how much he looked like Dez. He is looking alot like me when I was about his age now!

Thursday, March 25, 2010


I love Daddy (and my teether)

His thumb, that's what. Because Kayden is almost always chomping on his thumb and index finger these days. Sometimes both at the same time! They say that if a baby sucks on his thumb, he loves Daddy more. And Mommy, if it is his index finger.

I love Mommy (even while sleeping)

Wednesday, March 10, 2010

A summer sunset beach wedding

We attended Dez's workmate's beautiful sunset beach wedding a few weeks ago. We are only just 2 weeks into autumn, and I miss summer already!!

Friday, March 5, 2010

Kayden at 4 months: Picture this...

2 adults pressing their faces against the sides of the door frame, one kneeling on the ground, and the other right above him, trying to peer at their son who is too busy rolling around in his cot instead of going to bed! Haha! YES. That was us. We actually did that.  It sounds so stupid. And something that you thought you will only see in a Scooby Doo cartoon.

And in case you missed what I said. He ROLLED! Onto his tummy! YAY!

Kayden is now 4 months old. Alittle bit ahead of his milestones. Most babies should be able to roll around 5 or 6 months. Round about the time which they should be teething, which I am suspecting Kayden is also doing! I have had people telling me Couldn't be! Too early!

But this is the same baby who has defied quite a few odds of the universe! The same one people have told me its too early to feel him kicking at 14 weeks when I was pregnant with him and then too early to be babbling at 10 weeks old!

The poor little thing constantly has his fist in his mouth, sucking, rubbing and chewing. And the drool!! Arghh!!! How does one produce SO.MUCH. drool? The tooth has not cut through his gums yet, but I have heard that a baby could be teething for a while before that actually happens. So the middle of the night screaming continues meanwhile.

Who was that person who started the saying that "it will get better after 3 months"? Somebody please tell her she's wrong!

There WILL be light at the end of the tunnel.....calm blue seas...breathe in.....breathe out.................................
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