Tuesday, November 23, 2010

Things you just don't say to a first time mom

OK.I rarely whinge on my blog, But this has been on my mind abit lately. It has been a full year since I had my baby. During the past year and even when I was pregnant, I had so many well wishes for the pregnancy and the birth of baby Kayden. And sure, everybody meant well when they passed on their thoughts, comments and experiences. But to be totally honest, some comments truly irritated the heck out of me.

I know quite a few of you who read my blog don't have children yet. So I thought, maybe I should make a list on what some people said that just didn't come out the way they thought it did.

For example.

"Ohhh! You are tiny!  Poor baby has no space to move around in there!" (it made me want to just get bigger so it doesn't feel like its my fault my baby's so squished in there)

"Morning sickness is just part of pregnancy. It will pass / I had it all through my pregnancy, even when I was on the delivery table!"

"Oh he's sleeping well? Just wait until he starts teething."

"He has a temperature? He must be teething."

"He has diahorrea? (sp?) It must be because he's teething."

"Grumpy/ lack of appetite/ restless? Oh it's just his teeth!"(yea teeth! All your fault!)

"Babies can sleep in a noisy environment, they just need to get used to it!" (yes he's sleeping now because of all the over stimulation from before!  A cousin and I used to gossip about people who said this to us all the time! It drove us both so mad!)

"Why are you doing/not doing this instead? OH I NEVER did that when xx was a baby!"

"I NEVER referred to books or any other materials. I just did what I had to do and it came instinctively." 

And my NUMBER ONE pet peeve? THIS.

"Women have been giving birth since the beginning of time. Labour is NOTHING to be scared of!"

It was annoying! Thankfully towards the end of my pregnancy and today, I have mastered the art of listening to things like that with one ear, and it goes straight out the other ear. I smile and nod, and change the subject. They mean well after all.

But really, as a first time mom, there are enough things on our mind as it is already. It is very often an emotional roller coaster. So saying things like that that affect our self esteem and worth as a new/to-be parent just aren't helping much.

So next time you speak to a pregnant lady or a mom, remember not to say things like that!


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