Thursday, September 23, 2010

Kayden tells you his routine at 10 months

7am   First feed of the day, dreamfeeding. Daddy gets the relaxed me, feeding and changes my nappy with ease. Then he kisses us goodbye and leaves for work.

9.30am   Wake up, roll over and try to pry sleeping Mommy's eye open. Or, if they were heartless enough to make me sleep in my cot the night before, I start bouncing in there, making a nuisance of myself, until Mommy wakes up. And then, when she tries to change my nappy, I show her one of my many wrestling moves.

11am   Milk feed

12Noon    Lunchtime (congee and yoghurt) and then on my playmat for a a bit.

1.30pm  'Ma Ma (Grandma) picks me up and pats me to sleep *Woohoo!* I am out like a light within 5 minutes.

2.30pm   I am up again. But Heyyy! When did you put me down Ma Ma!!!?? Get me out of my bouncer NOW!!!

3pm    Nappy change, and milk feed. Then I wander around the room following Mommy around, entangling myself around her feet and basically learning the word "NO!!!" a million times for the next hour or two from her. When she gets sick of removing me from some sticky situations (see above), she puts me in my playpen (read: cage), and puts something on for me to watch on the telly. And if I get lucky, Mommy gives me some crustkits to nibble on.

4pm    Maybe a long walk in the park, when Mommy decides its not freezing outside and the sun is out.

5pm    Bathtime

6pm   Dinner

7pm   Daddy's home! Time to go bother somebody else and give Mommy a break from me.

7.30pm   Dinnertime for the adults, they put me on my highchair and I sit with them at the head of the table (like Ye Ye - grandfather), and sometimes I get a nibble out of some of their food. But mainly, it's just fun for me. Like yesterday, I stuffed an entire piece of chicken into my mouth. Sneakily, chew and pretend I've swallowed it and Mom gives me another piece... until she realises what I was up to, and tries to dig everything out of my mouth. FUN!

8pm   Hang out with Daddy

9pm   Nappy change and milk feed. Mommy zips me up in my sleeping bag. Bedtime.

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