Tuesday, September 7, 2010

Now it all makes sense

I mentioned that Kayden was teething and his first tooth has just cut through. I expected the drooling, and the incessant need to chew on everything he can get his fingers on. I am fine with it, I get that it soothes his gums so I just let him be, so long he has not been dipping his fingers in his potty beforehand. This chewing thing is really not such a big deal I thought.

At the shops, I have seen rubber rail guards for baby cot rails. And I thought to myself then, why on earth would people waste money on these things? Surely its not such a big issue letting them chew and lick the cot rails?

Then, hubby noticed these teeth (or rather 'tooth', because he has only 1 at the moment) marks all along the inside of Kayden's cot rail.

Then it all makes sense.

So THAT's WHY they say always check that you buy an Australian Standard cot that meets all the requirements (baby safe lead free paint).

So THAT'S WHY his hoodie was covered in these mysterious white specks this afternoon. I literally just brushed it off, thinking it was lint. The marks run all the way along his cot rail, and there really wasn't that much on his hoodie. So if that is the case, it means he has EATEN the paint. Bleh!

And, so THAT's WHY they sell those rail guards! DUH. To stop your baby behaving like a hungry beaver devouring corn on a cob.

Thank god I'm not breastfeeding him anymore too.

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