Monday, September 6, 2010

Waking up

I don't know about other babies, but when Kayden wakes up, he's a DRAMA KING. In my sleepy state, the distant grumbling starts getting louder and louder. It's as if he's saying "Helloooo.. I'm awake now, I'd like my milk now pleeeeease!". Then it gets even louder and louder, until it is as if he is screaming out "HELLOOOO????? It's morning now isn't it??  I am ready to get up now, why are you still lying there? WAKE UP Mommy! Waaaaaaaaake uuuuup nowwww! Wake up!!! MILK! Milk milk! Now dammit, NOW!"

And by then, if he was sleeping in the bed with us, he would have rolled and shuffled over, with much difficulty in his sleeping bag. It does look pretty tricky to crawl in that thing. Somehow end up on top of me with his hands patting my face, sometimes even trying to peel my eyes open.

You see, if I pretend I am still sleeping, and stay in whatever position I am in, I may get say, an extra 5 minutes of snooze time. Instead of having to jump out of the cosy sheets right away. He thinks I am still sleeping and waits for abit, still grumbling to himself.

So rare he is up and awake, playing by himself, looking somewhat cheery like this, while waiting for me to wake up. Or maybe that's what he does, every morning. Wait quietly. Of which may seem like an eternity to him, because I loove a sleep in.

And maybe that's why it escalates to a screaming match every morning. Hmmm.....

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