Friday, July 23, 2010

A first for everything...

Kayden threw his first full blown tantrum yesterday. He picked up an old roll of tape I had dugged out to close up some boxes earlier. He was having fun with it, he held it in his hand, passed it from one hand to the other, wore it as a bracelet and shook it in the air (he loves doing that with anything new to see if it makes a sound).

I had my eyes on the TV, and he was on my lap doing all that contentedly. And then, I realised HANG ON, he's hardly moving much anymore and he has gone all quiet.

Now, as a parent, u instinctively know that something isn't quite right when your child  goes all silent at times. This one one of them.

I peeled my eyes away from the TV, looked down and he was having a ball gnawing away at the dirty old roll of tape. Of course, a game of tug of war ensued when I tried to take it off him.

I pried it off his soggy hands. Kayden took a deep breath and let out a piercing loud scream. The type of -NOOOOOOOOOOOOOO!!!GIVE IT BACK TO ME! I WANT IT! type of cry.

You should have seen the look he gave me! The look of sheer stubbornness and mischievousness! To be honest, I wanted to laugh! Instead, I handed him back the other toy he was playing with before the tape. He forgot about what just happened and continued chewing on that instead.



  1. and there will be plenty more "firsts" to come!
    Like the first -
    "Mum, can I have some money"
    "Dad, can I take the car?"
    "Mum, I failed Physics"
    "Dad, I actually hate soccer"
    "Mum, you're beautiful... can I have some money?"...

  2. LOL! You forgot to remind me about the first gastro! Day 10 and still counting.. my poor baby's bum! =(


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