Friday, February 12, 2010

Kayden at 3 Months

Kayden is 3 months old. He now weighs 6kgs and is 60cms tall. My newborn is not so new anymore! I used to get  the"what a tiny little baby!" comment from other moms in the parents' room. Now, I get the "he's big for a 3 month old!".  Indeed, Kayden is alot taller (I find it weird to say longer, even though he's not standing) and bigger in comparison to other 3 month olds I see.

The poor little man is suffering from cradle cap at the moment, I call it cradle crap. A dry crusty layer that forms on the scalp because of excessive oils or something like that. It does no harm to babies, and was told it shouldn't bother him. But my poor baby is obviously bothered by it. His face full of scratches when he misaims, trying to reach for the top of his head.  3 to 6 months it may last for, the doc says. So lots of olive oil before bathtime to help soften it, but only to come back again the next day, argh!

He is quite a chatterbox! When left in his rocker, he babbles to himself, sometimes for a good half hour or so. And he babbles right back when being spoken to.He does the "auuughhhh" and the "aughh gooos" to anything in sight!

2 weeks ago, Kayden also discovered his hands. He waves it in front of his face with his eyes transfixed at it! It was hilarious when I once caught him dozing off in his rocker still with his arm held up to his face! Funny as!

He has also finally started to sleep longer hours at night. Once or twice a week, he surprises me and sleeps all the way through! But I still crawl out of bed in the middle of the night anyway, breastfeeding moms will know why!

He loves his cot mobile! It is just a simple one, its not battery operated so it doesn't turn unless we do it for him. And when we do, the little fella looks at us, and almost always gives a wide grin as if to say "Thanks Mom/Dad!",  before resuming the conversation with his pals!

I love my little man!

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