Monday, January 10, 2011

Best thing in the world

Have you ever wonder how true someone's words are when they tell you  that, it is the best thing in the world? I hear Celebrity chefs use that phrase all the time. I reckon its overated. Until the weekend just passed. Don't read this post on an empty stomach.

I had THE BEST SPIT ROASTED LAMB in the world.

Ok maaaybe not. Since technically, I've never actually eaten a lamb from the spit ,carved straight off it as it is cooking. But by God, it tasted devine. Look at it. How can it not? 

Granted that it took 3 hours to cook. Slow roasting it to a crisp moist perfection. It was so so worth the wait. Our friend had it on a powered rotisserie that turned the meat, so it cooks evenly. No plates nor cutlery were used. Just the carving knife and our fingers. The carved meat rarely made it to the serving platter!

It was an extremely addictive rosemary and vinegar concoction that had us all hooked. In the anticipation and excitement of it all, I FORGOT to take a photo of that basting sauce that was used! But take my word for it, it IS the best thing in the world!

Hours after the bbq, I swear I can still taste the lamb in my mouth. In a good way. If anyone happens to know the recipe for that basting sauce, please please please email me!!!


  1. Um OMG that looks incredible!!! Wow! Happy new year and hope the end-of-holiday blues aren't hitting!!


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