Wednesday, January 27, 2010

When the tree fell down...

Ok. It wasn't a tree, but it was a very BIG branch! We live in an extremely green area with lots of trees in our suburb. Many of the trees have been around for god knows how long. So, naturally, alot of the trees are tall and have extremely big and heavy branches. We came home one evening to find a note on our gate from a very kind neighbour who said she had witnessed a branch fall from a tree belonging to a restaurant on the other side of our fence fall into our backyard! It was late, so we couldn't see a thing. But the next morning, to our horror, this was what we saw.

The branch was obviously getting too heavy, and with the winds we had that week when it happened, it was no wonder this happened. It was no one's fault really. But I was annoyed because we are actually in the midst of selling our property and our perfectly manicured hedging is now all ruined! So were the fence and lattice.

But it was a relief when the owner of the restaurant took action almost immediately when informed about the damage. Within an hour of a quote, the tree people came, chopped off the monstrosity into blocks and took it away. And then it looked like this...

Open inspection was in a day and it wasn't a great way to showcase our backyard (which is big, and honestly part of the feature of our property). The fence guy who got the job from the restaurant owner didn't have enough materials to start work right away, but toddled off to get some wood from somewhere ( I suspect Bunnings from around the corner), came back to our place and quickly patched it up for us. It isn't the best job, but it will have to do for the time being!

*Inhale*. *Exhale*. Things happen for a reason.... happy thoughts... happy thoughts...

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