Monday, August 16, 2010

Kayden 9 months update

My baby is growing up right in front of my eyes each day. 9 months! Wow. Where did time go? 

Kayden is doing the commando crawl. To his delight, the treasures stored under the coffee table is now well within his reach. Or the remote. Or my feet. Or better yet, a FULL bottle of water that I stupidly left uncapped on the far corner of his playmat because I FORGOT he can now crawl. Thinking I will be back to claim my bottle in no time, I left it where I was sitting close to Kayden on the carpet right before I walked off . I was right in the middle of preparing Kayden's dinner, when my husband let out a shout and was scurrying around frantically, saying "Need some cloth!!!". He had found Kayden with a bottle of water which he was waving around in the air, the water still splashing out around him. The bottle was almost completely emptied out! Thank god it was not a bottle of red, and just water!

He also has a toy train which he loves. He's only had the train to play with for the past 2 months or so. His idea of 'play' is leaving his finger on a button which plays a tune for as long as he presses it.  Earlier today, I left him playing with his train and all of a sudden he lets out a frustrated cry. Tears and all. He looked devastated. Turns out that he has played with it so much, that it has finally gone flat. When I approached him, he lifted his little finger off the button and put it back on again, and then looks at me and back at his train as if to say "Mom!! It's dead!". I almost melted! Haha! I was amazed he actually knew how to communicate! 

My little baby used to be the length of my arm. Now, he is half my height! No kidding! People think Kayden is a one year old. He looks and behaves like it, except for the walking bit! No hurry with the walking, I am quite happy to cuddle my baby for now.

In denial much?

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