Wednesday, June 30, 2010

Cold winter nights

The mercury has dropped. So scarves on. Winter coat and boots on. Storm cover on the pram during our walks. So sick of winter already and we just only got past a month of it. And you know it is cold when you hear people swishing the ice off their windscreens when they go to work in the mornings.

Even sleeping in a sleeping bag under 2 layers of blankets, his hands are still icy cold (he sleeps with his arms out in a 'I surrender' position). It's no wonder he fusses and screams to be picked up to be put into the big warm bed with us.

I've resigned to the fact that the tiniest person needs the most space on our bed. Now, that I can deal with. What I cannot deal with, is that the Koala insists on being pinned next to me while he is sleeping, and having his hands on my cheek/eye/ear/nose/lips the whole night! And under the doona, he is spread eagle with his foot resting on top of my thigh.

Then in his subconcious state, he fiddles with my hair and pulls it! If i shuffle away from him, he shuffles towards my direction and stretches his arms out to try and reach me. He tosses and wriggles until he touches me.

It goes THE WHOLE NIGHT. My whole body is aching because of bad sleeping posture.

So, last night, before I put out the lights, I said "We're all going to sleep now. No pulling Mommy's hair. Now, go to sleep. Night night!!!" I  reach for the lights and with my back to him, I stay in that position. He screams out in frustration because he can't reach me. Eventually, I turn back, his hands find me. And he is quiet again.


Who's wide eyed, cheery and awake in the morning?

 Yes, as you can see, his cot is only meters away from our bed. 
Why oh why won't you sleep on your own!?

Not me.

1 comment:

  1. Awwww ... TOO cute. All is forgiven when he flashes that grin at you, huh? ;)


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