Thursday, June 10, 2010

Turning 30

Today I reach my 30th birthday. WOW. In a small corner of my brain, I never really thought I would actually get to this point. And yes, I have decided it does feel alittle different. Not in a particularly bad nor good way. Grab a drink and a snack, this is going to be a long post.

When I was 12 years old, I was pretty sure I looked forward to turning 13. It was the time I became a TEENAGER. Partial freedom and coolness means I am allowed out to town with my friends (with a curfew of course), my first pager and mobile phone (which never fails to beep and ring whenever that curfew comes) and then later on, the roaring clubbing scene. It starts with waiting at the snaking long queues at the trendiest clubs, and then later on walking right past that same queue and cashiers and having the bouncers click open the red velvet rope line ushering my friends and I in with a nod, avoiding the accusing glares behind us. And then inside the clubs, the long island tea cocktails, killer heels, sparkly tops and dresses and of course... the BOYS! And of course they came with the nauseating hangovers (damn u long island teas) and all nighters every other weekends that 'made' me unwell so I call in sick for school/work come Mondays. 

21 marked the start of my young adulthood. My TWENTIES. That period to me, was in fast forward motion. Still dabbling in the night life, but alot more mellowed out having experiencing a raging night life a couple of years back. With a slightly disposable income, my friends and I bought the latest fashion beauty trends. I left home and did my bachelor and masters degree in a foreign country. Met my husband, took some short trips overseas, I graduated, got married and experienced our first few years of life as a young married couple. We wined and dined, went for regular trips to the movies, went for long drives along the coastlines, basically doing anything our hearts (and wallets) desired.

And then, now I turn 30. But this particular milestone, I found myself umming and ahhing about it. THIRTY. Does it mean I am middle aged? I certainly do not feel that way. I am now also a mother! But it means I am no longer a young adult. The 2s in my age disappear.I am a full fledged Adult now. I have important responsibilities in my life, I should not carelessly wave things off waiting for someone else or sometime else who will 'fix things up' for me. I have a little human being being totally reliant on me for his survival! 

Turning 30 is the start of another new decade in life so, I want to start it off by counting my blessings and highlights of my life to date.

Good Health I am extremely fortunate that I have never experienced a serious illness to date. I am physically well although alot left to be said about my fitness levels!

Good fortune A friend once told me I must have not one but three guardian angels watching over me. That same friend gave me a gift of 3 angel figurines which I treasure up till now. Call it luck or coincidence, things almost always seem to go my way every time. I must have collected unlimited good karma points in my past life! I seem to have the good things in life fall on my lap just like that.I don't mean the money side of things (although that would be nice!) although I don't count ourselves poor either. Am just extremely fortunate to be able to enjoy the many simple joys that life brings. I have a home, a loving environment, food and the many small luxuries in life (thank god for hair colours, pretty clothes and shoes, hot milo, wireless internet and mobile phones!).

Family & Friends I know I can count on them for when I need a listening ear to whinge to, seek advice and for some good laid back company. I am so thankful many are just within arm's reach or a phone call away.

My melbourne family and friends I cannot even begin to say how wonderful they all are. Most of my own family and friends live in Singapore, and in a way I am on my own here in Melbourne. But everybody I meet here welcomes me with open arms into their lives. I call myself a homebody, I like lounging in the comforts of my home but there are times I feel the need to hit the shops! Go out for a nice garden lunch! Do this and that. And these family and friends I know I can count on for great company always. THANK YOU all!

And being so physically far apart, those in Singapore interrupt their daily routines to help me out usually at the drop of a hat, to help me out as much as they can. I spent more than 2 decades of my life with them there. They are the ones I now hold many fond memories of. They moulded my foundations of my being, so cliche, but so very very true.

And then, course my very loving husband who thinks the world of me, even at the times where I think, felt and look horrendous. His support is what drives me to function, especially when things get tough. He rocks my boat, keeps me lifting one foot in front of the other, that keeps me keeping on.

So in short, I think my life is a dream. Baby Kayden is the icing on my rosy pink cupcakes! So with my feet firmly planted in the ground now, let's bring on the 30s!

If you got to the end of this entry, a pat on the back for you! U deserve a medal! =) Well maybe not a medal, but if you check back later on, I might post an entry on my birthday celebration dinner, which I am looking forward to immensely later today!

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