Sunday, December 20, 2009

Kayden 6 weeks

Baby Kayden has been keeping his mommy extremely busy! I am sneaking this post in before his next feed!

Firstly, a quick update from my previous post. As you can probably see, Kayden is no longer jaundiced. YAY! Another visit to his paeditrician told us that all is well, he just had prolonged neonatal jaundice. However, during the visit he had the snuffles, his doctor suspected he might have a blocked nasel passage further down in his throat, and so the poor little man had to have a catheter stuffed right into his throat via his nose. The doc assured us it was nog painful at all, the catheter was extremely soft and smooth, it would just be uncomfortable for him. But, it was so painful to watch! Hubby couldn't bear to see it close up so I had to hold his head still while the doc did her thing!

Our delightful little mini is now 6 weeks old and weighed 4.3kgs at his last checkup. I use past tense because he seems to weigh heavier than that now. It won't be too long before I am going to struggle carrying a wriggly baby in my arms.

He still wakes up for his feed every 3 hours or so. But, he is now starting to stay awake longer where he looks around the room. He looks at me with his big round eyes and is starting to respond to our little conversations by smiling! It is rare but when he does that toothless grin, it melts your heart!

1 comment:

  1. Awww, I'm sure his smile is heart warming! You've got a charming kid! wink*


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