Tuesday, December 29, 2009

Dirty laundry

Its amazing how much dirty laundry there is to do for a little person!!! The laundry rack is always being used these days. I have a little chucker on my hands. Kayden tends to throw up quite a bit of his feed most times. And not surprisingly, it ends up on his clothes. He goes through at least 2 to 3 change of clothes most days. Plus towels, handkerchiefs, socks and mittens!

On the side note, its true! That the sound of the kettle or washing machine lulls and soothes a baby to sleep. Some people even say that the AM channel of a radio station with that buzzing white noise does the trick too (if you can stand it). Kayden loves the sound of the washing machine doing its thing. He listens, and then dozes off.
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