Wednesday, October 14, 2009

35 weeks pregnant

I have to admit I have started to do some things I have said I will never do. U know how in some TV shows, where the pregnant lady holds the front of her belly with one hand and has her other hand on the small of her back? I carry my bump with my hands. And I waddle.

I don't see the obstetrician until next Tuesday, but I hope he is going to tell us baby is now engaged. I swear I can feel his head in between my legs and doing this head shaking motion, trying to dig his way out.

Being pregnant is definitely much harder than I had expected. I thought was coping fine. Until this last trimester. I haven't worn heels for a long time. Not even before I was pregnant, I am more of a comfort girl these days and I prefer my flatties. But, when we attended a friend's wedding this past weekend I wore a low heeled pair of slip on heels with my outfit. By the end of the evening, my feet and calfs were so swollen! There wasn't even much walking involved either! We parked the car nice and close, so the only walking/standing I had to do, was car park to restaurant and chair to toilet during the dinner! I wake up every 2 hours during the night now to go to the toilet, which is soo annoying and exhausting. Every time that happens, I have to readjust myself on the pillows all over again! I believe its nature's way of preparing us for those late night feeds and cries.

Like I said in my previous post, I have started experiencing pre labour pains. They feel somewhat like VERY bad period cramps. I feel like there is a extremely tight band on the inside of my belly and there is also that crippling backache that comes along with it. I also feel extremely nauseous and I retch until my whole face turns red, I'm all teary eyed and I'm gasping for breath! So far, the contractions I have been experiencing have been irregular (hence pre labour pains, real labour is persistent). To cope with the pain, I feel the need to take slow walks around the house with hubby supporting me, as sitting down puts even more pressure on my lower back. Or at times, I lean forwards against a wall or over the arm of our couch. Somehow that makes me feel alittle better amidst all that pain.

I need to practise on my breathing techniques alot more I think. Hubby notices that I forget to breathe when I am in excruciating pain during the contractions. Apparently, I hold my breath when it happens. That's not good as it doesn't help with the management of the pain, and it decreases baby's oxygen supply too.

And I have just realised there are still a few things we have yet to get down to doing. We have still need to get a baby capsule for the car (it is a legal requirement here in Australia), and even though I am not looking forward to shopping anymore, I still need to go out for a hunt for maternity bras and nursing wear for use later on.

Time is drawing near!
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