Wednesday, August 3, 2011


Depending on the way I look at it, it is both a good thing and a bad thing. Of course I am acutely aware that there are the risks of co-sleeping even at K's age, but when exhaustion takes over, you surrender.

While we were away in Singapore at my parent's place, Kayden and I shared a room. We each had separate beds, but sometimes I would find him snuggled up right next to me in the middle of the night. I hadn't gotten used to caring for a cheeky toddler without hubby's help and was naturally tired at the end of most days. So I let him. When we got back to Melbourne, my toddler became even more clingy, probably due to yet another change of environment. And then again, when we moved to our new home a couple of weeks back.

It is fair I think, not to expect him to be sleeping on his own, in an unfamiliar room now.

It has been just over 2 weeks since we have moved in. And I have started the process of weaning him off sleeping with us. I can't bear hearing his distressed cries of "Open! Open!" (his room door) as he tries to open it. He has succeeded once and tumbled out of his room right into our arms as we stood outside listening in. Just to make sure he is ok. Once we saw him putting his toy keyboard under the window, lifting the blinds and trying to climb out of the (locked) window!

So, I give in most nights (even thought I know it shouldn't), snuggle into his bed with him and help him doze off to sleep, then tip toe out of his room.  Of course it is only my own fault Des and I are both rudely awoken (despite the baby monitor being on the lowest setting) every single night by his cries.

If you have been through this, or know of someone who has, share with me your experiences! I would love to hear and learn. It's going to be a loooong journey towards sleeping on his own. One for both him and us.


  1. I totally understand what you're going through! We co-slept all the way until J was 2 plus years old, since he nursed very frequently when he was younger. The process of getting him to sleep on his own was really gradual but took a long long time (I couldn't bear to do the Ferber cry it out method)... First had to wean him off night feeds, then I slept in his room on a separate mattress for more than a month, then about a few weeks back we've been leaving the room after his bedtime routine and he's learning to fall asleep on his own. He still wakes up at night and either cries for me, or yanks open the door and looks for me, but its gradually getting better!

    Guess staying with Kayden now til he sleeps is probably easier since its a new place and all, and hopefully he'll get used to it soon... Meanwhile, perhaps keep reassuring him in the day that he's ok in his "big boy bed"? Hang in there!

  2. thank you so much MamaJ! It is extremely reassuring to know I am not alone out there (I knew I can't possibly be, but it is nice when people tell you!) with this sleep battle. J sounds like K, waking up in the middle of the night and crying and wailing through the house =(

    We can do this!


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