Saturday, February 19, 2011

Kayden 15 months update

My baby recently turned 15 months. 15 MONTHS! Wasn't he just a little burrito wrap a little while back? Am I the only one who wishes he was a tiny little newborn again?

Since his first birthday, he has now fully transitioned to fresh cow's milk, twice a day. He loves yoghurt. I still buy the commercial baby yoghurt even though I am aware it is perfectly fine to give him the normal types.  I buy them for the reduced sugar content and the size per tub. He is so obsessed with them, we can't even mention the word. In conversation, I have spell "Y O G" instead to avoid a meltdown!

In general, he is not a fussy eater. He eats anything and everything we give him. Chicken, pork, beef, lamb, beans, green leafy vegetables, melons and summer stone fruits like nectarines are his favourites!

At 4 months of age, due to a very bad eczema flare I brought him to a paediatric allergist. A skin prick test revealed a moderate to high positive allergy to eggs. I was told to be mindful not to give him eggs directly (small amounts in foods like cakes and biscuits are fine) until a follow up checkup due later this year. So other than that, he really does try and eats a huge variety of food.

A month back he took his first steps. But never walking more than 3 to 4 steps each time before he bends back down to a hyper bulldog crawl again. Last week after a restful afternoon nap, he stood up and toddled (is that even a word? I don't know, but I like the sound of it!) off! Kayden is now walking! I could watch him walk around forever. Sometimes I even pop him further away from me so he comes toddling over to me. He looks so proud of himself! He even checks around him to see if I am watching, and then gives me a big cheesy smile when he knows I am. Daddy describes his walking pose as "Doing the W". He bends his arms as if he's holding 2 dumbells above his shoulders while he walks. Too funny!

He dances when he is happy or when he hears music. When I say dance, I mean like a popping style that he does. He swings his body from side to side, tilts his head side to side and also does a bum wiggle.  He also does this shoulder shrug. Sometimes one at a time, sometimes both alternatively. Passersby stop to watch in amusement whenever he does that! Even a ringtone from a mobile phone will have him breaking out in a dance!

He's a gadget boy. He picks up the television remote and points and then thrusts it out towards the television. We've obviously been watching way too much TV. He takes my bunch of keys, goes on his tippy toes and tries to open the gate. He swipes from page to page on the iphone with ease, and he pretty much thinks everything with a screen is touch sensitive. Including my camera and ancient Nokia phone.

When he hears Twinkle Twinkle, he goes "hah-tar!" (Star). Or if he likes what he's eating he goes "mmmmmORE!", and his mouth fully mimics the letter "O" when he does. I melt when he clings onto my legs and says "mumma".

My little boy's growing up!


  1. How did you do the fresh milk transition? Bubbles doesn't mind it in sips especially when cold (she loves cold stuff!) but won't drink very much of it!

  2. on our maternal nurse's instructions, I was told to slowly introduce fresh milk into his bottles of formula in the past.

    At the very beginning it was 180ml worth of formula and then topped up with 40ml of fresh milk. Then to slowly decrease the amount of formula until it is all fully fresh milk. It took K just over a week to make the transition. He used to suckle, and take his bottle out and stare at it! LOL

    GOod luck, let me know how u go!


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