Baby's movements are different now, he's no longer doing his high kicks as much, however I can feel him squirming and turning alot more. I have a small frame, so I can imagine how squished he is in there, the poor thing! To me, it feels like he is shoving and pushing with all his might trying to make some space around him.
I have started getting my Braxton Hicks contractions.Double checked with the obstetrician and he confirms that they are usually painless. However they can be quite uncomfortable when it happens. The muscles of the uterus tenses and tightens up for 30 to 60 seconds, and it feels rock hard when that happens! Apparently they start at around 17 weeks, but we don't feel them until much later on.
Mini me still gets his hiccups, but not as often as before perhaps just twice a day now or so.
I have been feeling breathless alot more this past week too. Uterus is now pressing against my diaphram and I have to practise my breathing exercises when that happens.
My bump has also popped out quite a fair bit now, and I am really running out of things to wear now. I managed to get away with not getting any maternity clothes so far for this pregnancy. But I might have to. Sigh. Either that, or hope the weather keeps getting warmer so I can swish around in some dresses instead. So, I've been doing some window shopping online.