I feel pretty much the same as the week before, but I get alot more braxton hicks these couple of days and they last much longer than before. I also get these twinges in between my legs, they hurt at times. Not too sure how to describe it but its like a nerve being pulled or stretched. It happens only when I am walking around.
There's alot more pressure down below as well now. Sitting with my leg apart isn't exactly lady like, even for a pregnant person, especially when you are out in public!
I can hardly believe how time is flying! How on earth did I get to 36 weeks?? This time next month, I should hopefully have baby in my arms! Complete with dark circles under my eyes from the lack of sleep, and in auto pilot mode feeding baby!
In my previous entry, I forgot to mention that some pregnant women may get a vertical line ( called linea nigra) over their belly. People tell me that you are more likely to get it if you are expecting a boy. Mine's really dark, I never had any pigmentation on my belly prior to this pregnancy! I really hope it goes away after!!!
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